Alumni Engagement

If you are an alumni member who would like to be added to our listserv or have your contact information updated, please email us at  

Opportunities to Give Back

Alumni interest in supporting our programming for current students is always extremely appreciated and is a great way to give back if you felt OHDCC added to your TC experience. Ways to give back include:

  • Sending us job and internship opportunities, as well as upcoming events, that we can share with our members

  • Participation in the Mentorship Program by connecting with and providing career advice to a second-year student

  • Serving as a judge for our annual Human Capital Case Competition

  • Speaking to students during panels, discussions, and workshops as an expert on topics such as building your career and how you integrate learnings from our program into your daily practice (please see our Instagram page for examples of past events)

If you have any interest in participating in OHDCC events or if you have your own event idea, please reach out to us at the email listed above.

Other Opportunities to Connect

Every few years, Leadership Teams may also hold alumni-only events to give back to our wonderful alumni base and to make sure you still feel connected to TC. These events are dependent on the interest of the current alumni population, as well as the leadership team’s bandwidth and resources. The current Leadership Team will email you about these opportunities when they are being put on, so please make sure to use the email address above to keep your contact information up to date!

Please also make sure to stay in touch by following us on Instagram or by joining our LinkedIn page. You do not have to have been an OHDCC member while you were at TC to participate in our programming or to join us on social media. And thank you for your interest in supporting our students!